Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthday Eve

A sitter was got. Dinner out was had. Crab legs consumed. Cupcakes baked. Presents wrapped. Pumping is done (for now). Boys sleeping soundly (for now). Daughter reportedly sleeping as well. Sleep for me is much needed while the getting is good. Tomorrow, my sister departs with me wishing for another week of help. But, alas, the summer has flown.

Tomorrow, my first born baby turns 3.

Egads, where does the time go and how did that happen?

As hard as things have been, the price of motherhood is worth it. It is all worth it and more.

I've had three blessed years with my eldest and 9 blessed weeks with the twins. I can't say it has all been good, but it is all worth it.

Tomorrow, my first born baby turns 3.


Laura in L.A. said...

Debbie, happy third birthday to our sweet boy! I thought of him yesterday during the fire in Griffith Park near Traveltown! Not Traveltown!!! I kept a vigil in Pavillions parking lot (good view!) until the water-droppers knocked it down. Whew!

Glad all is going so well. Praying for N to be home soon!

Love, Laura

Ellie said...

Happy birthday Max!

I hope it all goes well.


Now get soem rest!!!


Aimee said...


Happy to hear you got some down time! You really needed it!

Katrina said...

Happy birthday, Max!!