Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!

Max climbed in my bed early this morning and the first thing he asked was "How's Nora?" So sweet this little boy of mine. Sometimes he seems like such an old soul. The other day, he made a big flag for himself and two smaller flags for Nora and Ray that I took to the hospital yesterday. The second thing he asked was how Nora liked her flag. I told him she loved it and Max got the biggest smile on his face.

The charge nurse today is one of my new favorite people. As I was walking in to the hospital this morning, they were wheeling Ray out of room B into room D right next to his sister. So nice. Now, they can both hear my voice when I talk. When I was holding Ray, I could keep tabs on Nora. When I was sitting with Nora, Ray woke up and was so alert and just moving around and doing isolette arobics. I couldn't go to him and hold him or touch him because of the isolation rules, but at least I could watch him and talk to him which made me happy. Nora was looking and acting good today. She has adjusted to the nose prongs from the SiPap and is still on a fair amount of oxygen, but breathing on her own without assistance. She did wake up and was alert for a little bit while I was with her. I so want to get my hands on her and hold and cuddle her more. MRSA or not, I think that will be coming soon.

Several days to early for the results from Ray and my MRSA tests yet, but am really hoping that I come back negative. I'm going to feel so bad and guilty if I was the one who passed this on to Nora. In many ways, I'd find it odd if it was me or the breast milk since Ray hasn't gotten it as well and I've held him more and he has been on breast milk the whole time and Nora wasn't even on it at all at the time she got the infection. But, her immune system is more compromised than Ray's. We will see.

Time to wrap up the pumping and go spend time with Max and family who are here when I really feel like a nap. Hey, sometimes you just need to fake it until you make it.

My cousin is going to take her daughter to fire works tonight (or at least that was the last plan I heard), but I'm going to put Max down as normal, pump, then go to bed myself. Things have been so busy and on the go for us both I think we just need some rest and a good night sleep.


Laura in L.A. said...

Just checking in after watching the fireworks show...sounds like we're holding steady. :):)

What a sweet brother our Max is--the twins are so lucky. :)

Love, Laura

Drowned Girl said...

Just to say hi and I'm hoping it's not long before you're all home together
