Friday, July 13, 2007


I know I said I was going to take a Tylenol PM and a warm bath and then head to bed. I did both, but made a quick phone call to a friend to tell her about a show that I saw last night in the middle of the night when I was up not sleeping because I thought she would like it. She had seen it and did like it. In the course of the conversation, we started talking about something I needed to pick up before next weekend and how I would likely need to do it on Sunday morning and miss church again because that was really going to be the only time. Which got us on the the subject of naps and the topic about which I need to vent.

She asked me why I just didn't take Max and let him sleep in the stroller. I explained because Max wouldn't sleep in the stroller. She went on to tell me how her sister used to do it all the time with her daughter and it worked out fine; how her daughter just got used to it. I tried to explain that was great and probably worked because of her neices temperment and before I could finish my point she cut in and started to say how she wasn't critizizing me or my parenting. I responded that I didn't feel critizized, but I just didn't agree with what she was saying and she cut in and said I got to go and hung up on me.

I have to say, it really upset me and pissed me off. I'm fine with her having her point of view and probably would have thought the same thing before I had Max if I ever even gave it a thought which I don't think I did. I really didn't feel critizized. I'm upset because she got so upset and angry that she hung up without me getting to finish my point and the reasons I felt the way did.

No maybe, probably, I should of just shut up and let her think I was agreeing with her instead of telling her I disagreed, but you know...I just didn't feel like it. I don't agree with her. I do think that some kids do just fine with this approach and can either not nap or nap where ever they are. And, I think that some kids, like mine, can't and won't. If I took Max out every day, he would not get used to it and sleep. He would just get overtired and I would have more behavior problems and tantrums and more sleepless nights (because of Max as opposed to sleepless nights for other reasons). I've done reading and research on this. He is my child and I think I know him best. I have tried it the other way on occassion when I have had to for some reason and while travelling and have seen the consequences which is why I am so firm about a regular nap and a regular bedtime. I never thought I would be this way, but I am because my child needs this. Give me some credit for knowing and understanding my situation and my son. I am not her sister and Max is not her niece. It is really great that her sister was able to do this. I'm happy for her. It just would not work for Max and I. There is no doubt in my mind. None.

I would have told her this had she let me finish and not hung up on me.

And the reason I should have just let it go and let it go is that she and I met years ago during the cycle I got pregnant with Max. We were going to the same clinic and had the same RE and moved our sperm on the same day. We were on the exact same protocol. I was cancelled for no response, converted to IUI and got pregregnat with Max. She overstimed, got OHSS, needed to be hospitalized, and didn't and hasn't gotten pregnant. She would desperatly love a child and is planning to start trying again in the fall with her boyfriend. I should have let it go.

Okay, vent over. Must run. Max just woke up screaming and my laptop is almost out of battery power so must post before I loose this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sympathetic to your situation as I am pretty vigilant with my son's naps and try to plan the day so he can have one at home. People without children will not understand this easily.

I would suggest you pass on some book suggestions to your friend regarding children and sleep. However, given that your friend is struggling with some degree of infertility, that would probably be too painful for her.

You'll just have to take the high road on this and agree to chalk this up to different life experiences and forgive your friend's oversight.
