Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day Weekend 2007

We had a great (and busy) weekend with my cousin in town with her husband, daughter, and dog. Max just loves them so much. CC, his cousin, is just the best. Ozzy, their dog, rates pretty high as well. Uncle Jim moved up the scale this weekend with him teaching Max how to pee (standing up) on the tree outside, not exactly what I had in mind when I mentioned to Jim it would be good to show Max the ropes in that regard and take him into the bathroom with him a few times if the opportunity arose, but hey, I can go with the flow. Max and Uncle Jim really bonded at the beach when they went without me Saturday afternoon as I was out with an afternoon/evening of freedom. On Sunday, we just had professional pictures taken in the morning and swam and BBQ'd in the evening. Max really has come a long, long way in his swimming ability in just 1 week and was doing a lot of underwater time going between all of us in the pool. He just thought it was the greatest thing when I went under the water with him and we were looking at each other under the water. Today, we went back to the beach and stopped by my sisters on the way home for dinner. I know that I had a wonderful weekend and think Max did as well.

Max and Uncle Jim bonding at the beach with CC.

Not particularly the best picture of either Max or I, but we were having a good laugh before bed on Sunday night. And, it does show my new haircut. However, a much better one of us will be coming from our Sunday photo session.

My naked boy with "the family"

Max getting through a climbing play structure at the beach today.

He was just so darn proud of himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Debbie - GREAT haircut!

GLad that you had such an awsome weekend!
