Monday, August 27, 2007


Max started swimming lessons today. I went with and got in the water with him. I guess when I talked to Noemi about it, she didn't realize she would have to get in with him. Oh well, I've been wanting her to get in the water with him for the past 2 summers and she hasn't. I've started a post about all the things I don't like about her, but haven't yet finished it. I like her in the most important way...I trust her impeccably with Max and she truly cares for him and watches him well. But, the list of things that bug me about the way she does things (mostly light housekeeping related) is long.

I started making inquiries about a DE cycle towards the end of the year today. I contact one agency today and they are pulling some profiles based on what I'm looking for today. I have another agency I want to contact, but can't remember the name and didn't get around to looking it up. I also was in touch with my clinic to find out cycle dates, when I would have to pay money, if I could get into a shared risk plan with my desire to only transfer 1 at a time and freeze individually. My coordinator is on vacation until next week and I have a number of questions for her when she gets back, but they can wait a few weeks at this point. I go in tomorrow for an u/s and will likely trigger and do another IUI if I've got something growing, which I think I do. And, I'll keep trying with these back to back unmedicated cycles until then. Not only do I want to have another child, I want children that are closer together. I feel like my time is running out. My desire to have a child sooner rather than later is more important than a genetic connection at this point especially since it is so unlikely that I will ever get pregnant with my own eggs again.

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