Saturday, January 21, 2006

Signed and Sealed

Birth announcements are signed and sealed, but not yet delivered. I’ll drop them in a box tomorrow. What a relief! I didn’t plan on being so ambitious this weekend. It just happened. Took long nap with Max today. Yes, that is why I am still up at this time of night.

Max was very fussy today. Much fussier this evening. Even after a 3 hour nap, which is almost unheard of for him. I knew it was bowel/intestine/gas related. Kept shoving Mylicon down his thought every 4 – 5 hours. Finally, he had explosive diaper requiring a complete change. Then, my happy baby was back. For just enough time for me to open a bottle of wine and call back my sister. Then, another explosive diaper requiring a complete change. Sigh. Such is the life of a mom.

Then, he crashed hard and is still asleep. Half a bottle of wine and the announcements are done. Boy, I accomplished something concrete today. Feels nice.

Took some cute pic’s today, but too lazy to load them off the camera right now. Maybe another day.

Must go track down cat who ran outside when I had door open to take out trash after cleaning out his litter box. He can't come to any real harm, but it is cold and dark and late. He really enjoyed cuddling tonight with Max and the dogs snoozing away.

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