Saturday, June 27, 2009


It was a perfect summer day. Everyone was healthy. Lot's of outdoor play and swimming. The twins took good naps and went down well. Max went down great. That combination of fresh outdoor air and to love it! Max and I had time to play 1:1 while the twins had their morning nap before Nana came, then were able to get in the big pool a few times. Max was so proud because he was able to dive down and get the dive toys from the bottom...just like the bigger kids. I took R in the big pool, but he really wasn't that impressed and the water is much colder than the baby pool which I'm able to fill with warm water. N was content to splash and crawl in nice warm baby pool. I was able to make a nice dinner (eaten at 3 pm :) and baby food while the twins took their afternoon nap and Max played 1:1 with Nana. It was one of those days where there just seemed to be enough time for everything...keeping up with the dishes, cooking, especially lots of outdoor fun. Ah, every day doesn't have to be this perfect, but it sure was nice.

ps. N is mobile. She's been crawling backward, combat forward, and slow. She's starting to pick up speed. She was almost out her bedroom door in the time it took me to go to the kitchen and back. So nice to see her getting there, but out...all three moving and grooving is likely to be scary at least half the time. :)

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