Sunday, September 14, 2008

All's good

All is good on the home front. The house is trashed. I'm tired, but not exhausted. All three are currently sleeping. I'm pumping. We are in the home stretch until the end of the weekend and it really felt manageable. So much that I didn't sign up for a sitter at all next Saturday, but have her coming for 5 hours Sunday afternoon. I may live to regret that, but felt that I paid a sitter to just watch the babies sleep. It would be one thing if she dug in and my house got cleaned or at least picked up, but ...alas, she is not Noemi. I've come to see what a gem my Noemi is. I need to look around and find better help for the weekend, but will just limp along with what I have for a bit. If things get crazy hard, it will increase my motivation. We made it to church and a restaurant today (with my Aunt and Uncle who are in town for a wedding) and it is busy, sure, but do-able. Anyway, not much to say, but wanted to check in. Both babes have doc appointments tomorrow afternoon so I should have at least height and weight updates then.


Miss X said...

Most people won't jump in and help if it isn't in the job description. So glad you have Noemi.

I'm guessing N is bigger than R just from looking at recent pics.

Anonymous said...

I'm very very impressed with how you are doing with all three children at home!!! Wow! You have twin newborns and an active toddler and not much help and you are doing great! (The first day after my mother left and I was home alone with my new twins and toddler, I was a wreck!) nancy in ak

Laura in L.A. said...

Yay, Deb! If anyone could manage an active 3-year-old BOY and infant twins, it's you! :):)

Glad all is going so well!

Love, Laura

Nina said...

Yay!!! Glad to hear!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you took them all out to eat! Wow! You are doing great! I feel overwhelmed with just one sometimes.