Saturday, August 27, 2005

Max’s Apt./Resigned

Max’s appointment went well yesterday. I think both the Dr. and I were reassured. The Dr. said his color looked good. His eyes are still a tad yellow, otherwise, he is looking good. I keep getting asked how the breastfeeding is going and if he is pee’ing and poop’ing. I once again said that I thought it was going well, but I could just be imagining it. When the Dr. looked at his weight gain…he was 7 lbs 14 oz yesterday … he said, no I wasn’t imagining it. With that kind of gain, it WAS going well. He said it was almost impossible for him to have gained that much weight since the last visit unless he had a lot of stuff floating around in him. I laughed and said Max did just have a big blow out in his diaper so we re-weighted him and he lost 2 oz and weighted 7 lbs 12 oz after the poop. My cousin and I both thought he was 7 lbs 5 oz on, but I guess the recorded 7 lbs 4 oz on the chart. Either way, that is a good gain and re-assured me that he is getting enough to eat and my milk flow is good.

I had wanted to talk to the Dr. anyway about his poop color so I was glad I had a “sample” to show him. It is supposed to be yellow by now and Max’s is still very dark with a green tint. How exciting my topics of conversation are these days, huh? I was worried that may indicate some problem. He said that it was likely nothing, but could be a sign of an allergy to dairy (or nuts or fish). We agreed that I would not eat dairy all weekend and see if that made a difference. If not, it wasn’t anything to worry about and I could go back on it.

All and all, I was glad I went in.

Today’s results are in and he is STILL at 16. I am resigned that this is just going to take awhile and was more prepared today. We agreed I would just keep him on the lights all weekend and we would test again on Monday.

I have pulled him and the machines into the office. I am bound and determined that bills will be paid today at some point. I will not pass go. I will not answer email or surf the internet or take/make any more phone calls until bills are paid. I have to be tuff on myself here. It must get done. He is so cute and sleeping away at the moment so I had better get to it.

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