Thursday, July 07, 2005


I’ve just been so tired and drained all week. I think it is a combination of the emotions around the girl boy thing; the increasing summer heat; and work. It was so great having a long weekend with no commitments. I got enough stuff done around here without being crazy busy and was able to get a nap in every day. Being back to work this week has been really hard. I’m almost ready to be on maternity leave and have at least 5 more work weeks to go (7 weeks until EDD). I don’t want to rush things, but… I’m thinking of blocking my calendar for an hour or two about 2 pm PT/5 pm ET for nap/rest. I was so tired last night I fell asleep about 8 pm ish, but woke up every few hours and slept really light. I was up at 3 am for good. That’s more like my ttc sleep habits, not my preg. ones. I thought about getting on the computer, but listened to my hypno-birth cd and took a bath instead.

I think I have told just about everyone I needed to about the girl/boy thing. Just a few more people to call. My cousin emailed my sister’s husband (well, really, my cousin Anna's husband Chris emailed him since they work together) since I didn’t have his email address and they are in Europe visiting his family to give them the news. She called this morning and we had a good laugh. She said, don’t worry, I saved aside a bunch of really cute boy stuff as well that I will send your way. She has really good (and expensive) taste so I am sure that it really is nice. We will swap out the girl vs. boy crib bedding when she comes out for the shower. I’ll have to see it. She said it is red and blue and may not match the green I have in the room. I can’t remember really what it looks like. I may end up having to break down and buy something. The only boy theme I kind of like is an “under the sea” type one, but can’t find anyone that actually sells what I picture in my mind. I hate that.

Hmm. What else? My mind is like mush! Did I mention I am tired? Yes? Hmmm.

Ah yes, boy baby names. Still mulling it over. Pulled back out the baby name book. Not really ready to share ideas yet. Any thoughts? Too funny, people keep trying to suggest boy names that start with A E, to replace Audrey Elizabeth. Have to laugh. Not stuck on the initials, just liked the name.

Also, in case I didn't say so or it didn't come across, I am A-Okay with having a boy instead of a girl. I didn't really have my heart set either way. I just want a live healthy baby. I was just shocked because I just felt I was having a girl and had 3 u/s that confirmed it was a girl. Not upset at all, in fact, I couldn't stop laughing/smiling after I found out. It is just a mind shift, that's all.

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